More about Corpus

Our story - Reigo Adamson

Corpus Coaching was founded by two coaches - Siim Kelner and Reigo Adamson. At that moment, Siim Kelner was already a well-known player on the Estonian sports scene, both in the field of training and training. Reigo Adamson was working in the medical sector at that moment and was also working as a coach part time.
Reigo Adamson: "While working in a company operating in the medical field, health behavior - nutrition, exercise, etc. - was often discussed with colleagues. Advice was often sought regarding both exercise and nutrition, and it was clear that people are interested in healthy lifestyles. At the same time, it was also clear that the fast pace of life is not they had enough time to look for reliable and evidence-based information. During this period, the idea arose that why talk to people one by one, when it could be done for the whole company or groups at the same time. Training for companies and collectives seemed like a logical solution.
Since I worked at the same sports club as Siimus and I knew what kind of man he was, I approached him with the idea."
Our Story - Siim Kelner

Siim Kelner: "At that moment, I was working as a training manager in a sports club. I had just come up with new trainings, and Reigo became the facilitator of one of the trainings. One day he came to me and said that since you are doing this training thing here in Estonia, wouldn't it be interesting to create trainings for companies and collectives? Up until now, I had mostly trained people who were interested in exercise and healthy lifestyles. The idea of taking trainings to people who are not looking for information about health behavior was interesting. In addition, it seemed that we could take information to people who are really need it. Since we are both coaches and people's health is important to us, we decided to do educational work at the grassroots level, that is, in schools inspiration and make important changes in their lifestyles. As coaches, we both want to see a healthier society, both physically and mentally."